Fortnight Feels #1



James Vincent McMorrow's music has been a love of mine for a long time now. You know that feeling when a song sort of represents a time in your life, and you're taken right back to that moment when you hear it. We Don't Eat does that to me.

There's a track on his album Grapefruit Season called Poison to You that really took me by surprise. It's different for him, quite an epic ballad that I wasn't expecting at all. I listened to it on repeat for days. Then on his insta he asked what everyone's favourite song on the new album was, and there were hundreds of comments saying 'Poison to You!' I felt so connected in that moment - there were people all over the world having the same experience I was because of someone's art. I think that's pretty special.

If you're new to his music, get your ears amongst it. Here's where I suggest you start: I Should Go (who else feels these lyrics? 'I don't want to think I missed a party. Then I go and I hate everyone'), Gone, Hurricane, Rising Water

And for any fellow lyric lovers out there, Cavalier is for you 👌 


When life allows, I start my day with Mary Oliver. Coffee in hand, I'll read three or four poems, have a ponder, and then go about my day.

Mary has said that nature was her saviour. That she healed from the trauma of her human relationships by developing a deep connection and love for Papatuanuku (earth mother).  

This poem resonated with me - I think the idea of being open to and looking for simple neighbourhood miracles, as she puts it, helped me to be open to seeing and experiencing things I'd otherwise never notice. 

I also read it with my youngest daughter, interested to see what she took from it. Her insights were hardly illuminating, she was mostly concerned about the chicks shouting at their parents, but hey, she's 5!  

This Morning
This morning the redbirds' eggs
have hatched and already the chicks
are chirping for food. They don't
know where it's coming from, they
just keep shouting, "More! More!"
As to anything else, they haven't
had a single thought. Their eyes
haven't yet opened, they know nothing
about the sky that's waiting. Or
the thousands, the millions of trees.
They don't even know they have wings.
And just like that, like a simple
neighbourhood event, a miracle is
taking place.
- Mary Oliver, 1935-2019

 I've been working through Devotions by Mary Oliver


I recently did The Classroom's online course, Beyond the Boosted Post. It was top-notch learning, I got so much out of it. I highly recommend Claire and her next-level Facebook advertising skills and insights. 


Ruth x